
Electricity grids

T45 scenarios

Erkennungsbild T45-Szenraien
Erkennungsbild T45-Szenraien

The calculations for the T45 scenarios have started. With our models, which have been improved once again, we are investigating how Germany can become greenhouse gas neutral by 2045, taking into account current political goals.

The following scenarios are presented here.

  • T45-Electricity
  • T45-H2
  • T45-PtG/PtL
  • T45-RedEff
  • T45-RedGas

Transport grids

Erkennungsbild TN-Szenarien
Erkennungsbild TN-Szenarien

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Distribution grids

Erkennungsbild TN-Szenarien
Erkennungsbild TN-Szenarien
Erkennungsbild Stromsystem
Erkennungsbild Stromsystem

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Reports and webinars

Webinars (in German)

Thank you for your interest! More than 350 participants took part in the webinar grids! In our Q&A channel we answered 73 questions and thank you for your very active participation!

Thank you for your interest! More than 750 participants took part in the overview webinar via stream and online conference! In our Q&A channel we answered 73 questions and thank you for your very active participation!


Bernd Tersteegen
Bernd Tersteegen

Dr. Bernd Tersteegen

Coordinator electricity grids and administration

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Sebastian Willemsen
Sebastian Willemsen

Sebastian Willemsen

Head modelling transmission grids

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Christoph Maurer
Christoph Maurer

Dr. Christoph Maurer

Quality management

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Alexander Ladermann
Alexander Ladermann

Dr. Alexander Ladermann

Head modelling distribution grids

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Tom Droescher
Tom Droescher

Tom Dröscher

Modelling transmission grids

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The model

To determine the expansion requirements in the German transmission grid, we use a line-sharp model of the German transmission grid and neighboring countries. It is based on an approximate data set researched using publicly available data, which we have been able to validate in numerous studies. It also includes the expansion projects planned according to EnLAG, Bundesbedarfsplan and TYNDP. The regionalization of electricity demand and generation is optimally matched to the supply optimization (enertile) modeling. For the load flow and (n-1) outage calculations we use the grid calculation suite "allocation" developed by Consentec. allocation also allows an optimization of the use of phase-shifting transformers, HVDCs and grid boosters with regard to a minimization of the grid expansion demand.

We model the development of the distribution grids on the basis of the tried-and-tested approaches of model grid analysis. Model network analysis is an analytical procedure for determining cost-optimal structures of electricity distribution networks and for determining the relationships between the characteristics of a supply task and the network costs. For this purpose, the model network analysis reproduces the network planning process, taking into account the technical boundary conditions and all relevant planning criteria. For the implementation of the model network analyses we use the software "EXOGON" developed by Consentec. In addition, we use, among other things, a method for dynamic peak capping developed by us in order to best map the reduction of the grid expansion demand through an optimized use of the "peak capping" instrument for RE generation plants.


TN scenarios

Erkennungsbild der TN-Szenarien
Erkennungsbild der TN-Szenarien

The TN scenarios were calculated in 2021. We examine different paths for Germany with the goal of becoming greenhouse gas neutral by 2050. Even though the targets have become more ambitious in the meantime, many insights can be gained from comparing the total of 9 scenarios calculated in high resolution. A special feature of this study is the integrated consideration of electricity and gas grids, as well as the full European resolution on the supply side.

We hope you enjoy exploring these paths!

Transmission grids

Erkennungsbild TN-Szenarien
Erkennungsbild TN-Szenarien


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Distribution grids

Erkennungsbild TN-Szenarien
Erkennungsbild TN-Szenarien
Erkennungsbild Stromsystem
Erkennungsbild Stromsystem


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Reports and webinars

Webinars (in German)

On 02.12.2021, more than 300 participants took part in the webinar on the scenario variants of the TN-Electricity and asked more than 120 questions in the chat. We thank you for your lively interest! You can find the slide set here

On 07.07.2021, more than 200 participants took part in the webinar on electricity and gas grids. We thank you for your lively interest! You can find the slide set here

The team

Bernd Tersteegen
Bernd Tersteegen

Dr. Bernd Tersteegen


Electricity grids and administration

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Sebastian Willemsen
Sebastian Willemsen

Sebastian Willemsen

Head of modelling transmission grids

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Christoph Maurer
Christoph Maurer

Dr. Christoph Maurer

Quality assurance electricity grids

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Alexander Ladermann
Alexander Ladermann

Dr. Alexander Ladermann

Head of modelling distribution grids

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Tom Droescher
Tom Droescher

Tom Dröscher

Modelling transmission grids

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The models

In order to determine the expansion demand in the German transmission grid, we use a line-specific model of the German transmission grid and the neighbouring countries. It is based on an approximate data set researched using publicly available data, which we have been able to validate in numerous studies. It also includes the expansion projects planned according to the EnLAG, the Federal Requirements Plan and the TYNDP. The regionalisation of electricity demand and generation is optimally matched to the modelling of supply optimisation (enertile). For the load flow and (n-1) outage calculations, we use the grid calculation suite "allocation" developed by Consentec. allocation also allows optimisation of the use of phase-shifting transformers, HVDCs and grid boosters with a view to minimising the need for grid expansion.

We model the development of the distribution grids on the basis of the tried and tested approaches of model grid analysis. Model network analysis is an analytical procedure for determining cost-optimal structures of electricity distribution grids and for determining the relationships between the characteristics of a supply task and the network costs. For this purpose, the model network analysis reproduces the network planning process, taking into account the technical boundary conditions and all relevant planning criteria. For the implementation of the model network analyses, we use the "EXOGON" software developed by Consentec. In addition, we use, among other things, a procedure developed by us for dynamic peak capping in order to best map the reduction of the grid expansion demand through an optimised use of the instrument of "peak capping" for RE generation plants.
